Любимая подборка fighting boys in red 👍
| понедельник, 15 февраля 2021
- Hellsing
- Devil May Cry
- Dante
- Ai no kusabi
- Alucard
- Vash the Stampede
- Kuroshitsuji
- Johnson
- Trigan
- Space Adventure Cobra
- Cobra
- Mephisto
- Iason Mink
- Tiger Mask
- Space Cobra
- Hurricane Polymar
- Ai no Kusabi Emotions for a life time
- Head of the Tanagura Syndicate
- Ice Man
- Консул Амои
- Naoto Date
- Tetsuo Aku
- Tiger Mask Nisei
- Demon City Shinjuku
- space pirate
- Grelle Sutcliff
- Takeshi Yoroi